Lily’s Story

Who Are We?

Lily’s Testimonial

I have three children: Andrew, Paige, and Kaitlin. We strive to minimize the disruption to their lives and help them lead a “normal” childhood. They have been absolutely amazing during these times. Andrew and Paige built this website for me and Kaitlin is responsible for the graphic design and photography.

My mom, Marie, is my best friend and has been supporting and encouraging me the whole way. My dad, Joe, has been a steady rock throughout — helping Bill and my mom with the mission of the day. My three siblings, Anthony, Mary Beth, and Christine are incredibly supportive by helping in any way they can.

I am blessed with many many friends (too many to list!) who together with family comprise, “Team Lily.” I am truly grateful for the love and positive vibes that I receive every day from friends all over the globe.

Lily (left) and husband Bill (right)

Lily and her three kids: Andrew, Paige, and Kaitlin.

Lily’s Cancer Journey

“ I was diagnosed with metastatic pancreatic cancer in June 2018. I certainly was shocked at first, but within hours, a peaceful calm settled in. I knew that I could defeat this cancer and that it was not my time. Upon reflection, I told my husband Bill the following when I was diagnosed:

1). I will not be a statistic. I will not let other people influence my journey, rather, I am going to set the terms of my journey. To this day, I still have not “Googled” pancreatic cancer and have never filled my mind with negative thoughts of the journey, rather I focused on how to beat the cancer.

2). I will choose Love over Fear. I decided to be very public with my journey, not in search of pity, but rather to draw upon the strength and expertise of my community. By being open, I have received numerous gifts from many unexpected people and places. I call these people and their gifts my Angels.

3). I will trust completely in God. Always a practicing Catholic, I felt God’s presence in my heart, mind and body immediately when I was diagnosed. It is hard to explain, but that presence in my life, my trust in God’s goodness and his plan for all of us, has brought a serenity and peacefulness to each and every day.

I am now approaching 2 years of living with metastatic pancreatic cancer. During those two years, I have received a form of treatment every 2 weeks, predominatly chemotherapy. I have had many wonderful days living life to its fullest with my family and friends. I have also had many challenging days, where the treatment and the side effects have knocked my down a bit (temporarily).

In the middle of 2019, I decided to add another element to my game plan

4). I will help others as they have helped me. I know fully appreciate the power of the community and during my journey, I have become even more grateful for the life that I have. I have found that gratitude leads to positivity. We can all be grateful for the numerous gifts present in our lives, sometimes though you have to search for them. From gratitude come giving; sharing even the tiniest of gifts with others brings joy to each day. And from that mindset, my husband and I decided to launch a not-for-profit called LuvFromLily, with the goal to share my gifts, my Luv, to the broader community.

Lily Derwin’s Book “Choose to Live In Love, Not Fear” is a testament to the serenity brought by family, faith, love, positivity, gratitude, and more.